In EngageBay, you have many ways to report on your marketing, sales, and service efforts. Use EngageBay's report library, create pre-built standard reports, or create your own custom reports, and build report dashboards.
Many of EngageBay's tools also include tool-specific analytics, such as email performance and workflow enrollments.
EngageBay offers several reports for the Marketing Dashboard. They are:

Email Stats - It shows an overview of all the emails sent from the system during the specified date range.
Call Stats - It shows all the call counts based on the duration of the selected date range.
My Contacts - It displays all the contacts added to the CRM.
Forms - It displays the subscriber count captured through web forms.
Web popups - It displays the subscriber count captured through popup forms.
Top Landing pages - It displays stats about the best-performing landing pages.
Landing page performance - It displays page insights such as page views, unique views, and conversions.
Landing pages - It displays the landing pages’ subscriber count, and the number of people that filled the form on the page.
Contacts created by day - It shows the contacts that are created on a day-to-day basis.
Contacts by source - It shows an overview of the contacts’ sources.
Top broadcasts with click rate - Displays stats about the best performing broadcasts based on click rates.
Top broadcasts with open rate - Display stats about the best performing broadcasts based on open rates.
Sequence list - Displays all your sequences along with the contact count.
Contacts Tag Growth - Helps you gain quick insights on how your contacts with specific tags have changed over time.
You can further use the reports tool to build custom reports for single or multiple objects, create funnel reports, and report on attribution. With the advanced custom report builder, you can create reports using data sources from across your account, including custom objects. For example, you can create a custom report to calculate the number of customers that are subscribed to your business’s subscription tiers.