In EngageBay, you have many ways to report on your marketing, sales, and service efforts. Use EngageBay's report library, create pre-built standard reports, or create your own custom reports, and build report dashboards.

EngageBay offers several reports that can be added to the Sales Dashboard. They are:


Deals Forecast: It shows your milestone total volume

Deals Count: It shows the deals count in each milestone

Won vs Lost Deals: It gives data on all won deals as well as lost deals

Closed Deals: It shows the closed deal count based on milestone and agent

Agent Appointments: It lists all your agents’ booked slots count

Total Appointments: It gives you the number of appointments booked

Calls: Provides all calls count based on the date range

Productivity: It gives insights about an agent's activity like calls and emails.

Sales Performance: It gives you an overview of your overall sales activities.

Deals Funnel: It shows all your milestones deals count

Contacts by source: It shows the contacts source overview.

My Tasks: It shows all your task-related information

Incomplete Tasks: It shows all your incomplete tasks

Contacts created by Day: It shows contacts created on a day-to-day basis

Leaderboard: It shows owner-wise won deals, revenue, calls, etc

Team Level Calls count: It shows a detailed report on the call activity of your team by number of calls

Team Level Call Duration: It shows a detailed report on the call activity of your team by average call duration.

Task Report: It shows a quick view of tasks by team/users reported by status and duration

Task Report By Status: It shows a quick view of tasks by team/users reported by status and duration

Task Report By Type:  It shows a quick view of tasks by team/users reported by type and duration

Task Reports by Priority: It shows a quick view of tasks by team/users reported by priority and duration

Task completion Time Deviation: It shows a quick view of deviation in task completion time.

Contact Tag Growth: It shows quick insights into how your contacts with specific tags have changed over time.

Deal Tag Growth: It shows quick insights into how your deals with specific tags have changed over time

User Performance Report: It shows owner-wise created/updated contacts, deals, tasks, etc

Deals By Milestone: It shows the total number of deals in each milestone and agent.


You can further use the reports tool to build custom reports for single or multiple objects, create funnel reports, and report on attribution. With the advanced custom report builder, you can create reports using data sources from across your account, including custom objects. For example, you can create a custom report to calculate the number of customers that are subscribed to your business’s subscription tiers.